A few weeks ago I received an email from a reader informing me that she had sold her item and asked me to take down her free classified advertisement on the Slippery Rock Gazette website. If you have not taken advantage of our free on-line advertising as either a seller or a buyer, I would urge you to check it out. Placing an advertisement is fast, easy and FREE!  

It is traditional at the end of the year to review the past and look to the future. During the last year we introduced a new and improved website, free on-line classified ads, added several new writers, and we implemented all new computer software used to create our print and on-line editions.  Our on-line edition is the most widely visited news-based website in the stone industry and our print edition is mailed to 15,000 people.  

Our plan for the coming year is to improve our instructional video library (available on our Braxton-Bragg website and YouTube channel) and to improve our resources tab on the Slippery Rock Gazette Website.

On the Braxton-Bragg side of the house we are putting the finishing touches on our 2013 catalog and preparing to launch several new products.  The new catalog will be mailed in Mid-January.  You can see some of the new products at the Braxton-Bragg booth in Las Vegas (booth B380 at Stone Expo and booth S12839 at the World of Concrete).  Stop by and meet some of the inventors and learn what’s new for 2013.

Thanks for reading,

Rich Hassert

Email responses to:publisher@slipperyrockgazette.net